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Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 8822

1 Block of S. Fayette Street, April 1954

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection contains research materials, ephemora, and photographs collected by or created by Mike McKenney, Thomas Mills Jr., and Thomas Mills III, that document the Alexandria Fire Department.

Dates: Event: April 1954

#1 Firehouse, Prince St. between Royal + Fairfax circa 1937

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 13A
Content Description From the Collection:

The collection contains photographs and negatives predominantly of historic Alexandria buildings and civic life from the 1910’s to the 1940’s. A small number of prints are from the late 19th century. The collection is made up of black and white prints and acetate negatives, with a small number of glass plate negatives and glass lantern slides. The collection has been split into two series.

Dates: 1888 - 1941

#1 Harry F. Byrd, Mayor W.A. Smoot, John G. Pollard

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 14
Content Description From the Collection:

The collection contains photographs and negatives predominantly of historic Alexandria buildings and civic life from the 1910’s to the 1940’s. A small number of prints are from the late 19th century. The collection is made up of black and white prints and acetate negatives, with a small number of glass plate negatives and glass lantern slides. The collection has been split into two series.

Dates: 1888 - 1941

1st Certificate – United Daughters of the Confederacy to Hattie Vowell Creighton

 File — Oversize Box: 3
Content Description From the Collection: The collection consists of various objects, writings and ephemera pertaining to the Vowell-Creighton family. Most of the materials are from Hattie Vowell-Creighton. Writings include genealogical information and poetry written by Hattie. One piece of realia: a locket which includes a lock of hair, likely from Mary Vowell. There are a number of unidentified photographs, likely Vowell-Creighton family members. The oversized materials include certificates for the United Daughters of the...
Dates: 1890 - 1970

2 Racor rail-flange lubricators for south-bound hump. (AFE 5879), 1947

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 61
Identifier: MS050-03-061
Content Description From the Collection:

Records, correspondences, authorizations for expenditure (AFEs), notebooks, ephemera, and blueprints, all documenting the Potomac Yard rail yard in Alexandria, Virginia.

Dates: 1947

2 Ractor rail-flange Lubricators, north-bound hump, retirement 2 MECO rail-flange lubricators. (AFE 5867), 1946-1947

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 52
Identifier: MS050-03-052
Content Description From the Collection:

Records, correspondences, authorizations for expenditure (AFEs), notebooks, ephemera, and blueprints, all documenting the Potomac Yard rail yard in Alexandria, Virginia.

Dates: 1946-1947

2nd Certificate – United Daughters of the Confederacy to Hattie Vowell Creighton

 File — Oversize Box: 3
Content Description From the Collection: The collection consists of various objects, writings and ephemera pertaining to the Vowell-Creighton family. Most of the materials are from Hattie Vowell-Creighton. Writings include genealogical information and poetry written by Hattie. One piece of realia: a locket which includes a lock of hair, likely from Mary Vowell. There are a number of unidentified photographs, likely Vowell-Creighton family members. The oversized materials include certificates for the United Daughters of the...
Dates: 1890 - 1970

2nd Sale, 1875

 File — Assorted Box: AB02, Folder: 97-2
Content Description From the Collection:

The collection consists of a deed, purchase proposals, business agreements, foreclosure notices, and fire insurance policies for the Mt. Vernon Cotton Factory.

Dates: 1875

2nd Ward 1858 Engine and Fire Dept. Gauges and Measures of Wood and Lumber - Election book(?)

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 1
Content Description From the Collection: The papers in this collection cover all of the Alexandria Fire Department's business and legal transactions over a span of one hundred years. The canceled checks show the many expenditures necessary to outfit, maintain, and operate the volunteer fire companies. There are also many receipts from commercial firms who provisioned, repaired, serviced and supplied the volunteer fire companies. The Alexandria Common Council appropriated money each year to cover the entire Fire Department....
Dates: 1794 - 1893

3 bunk houses, 1 combination kitchen/dr for contract labor gangs. (AFE 5813), 1945

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 16
Identifier: MS050-03-016
Content Description From the Collection:

Records, correspondences, authorizations for expenditure (AFEs), notebooks, ephemera, and blueprints, all documenting the Potomac Yard rail yard in Alexandria, Virginia.

Dates: 1945

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Letters. 37
Business -- Virginia -- Alexandria 11
Shakes family 9
Historic Alexandria Foundation 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
∨ more
Fire departments -- Virginia -- Alexandria 6
Historic buildings. 6
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 6
Carlyle House (Alexandria, Va.) 5
Ficklin family 5
Gadsby's Tavern 5
Genealogy 5
Reenactors 5
Robert E. Lee Boyhood Home 5
Alexandria (Va.) -- Genealogy. 4
Carne family 4
Fire stations. 4
George Washington Birthday Parade 4
Historic districts -- Virginia -- Alexandria 4
Monuments & memorials 4
Receipts (Acknowledgments) 4
Alexandria (Va.). Library 3
Business records 3
Cemeteries -- Virginia 3
Churches 3
Community centers 3
Diaries. 3
Families. 3
Fire departments -- Equipment and supplies. 3
Fort Ward (Alexandria, Va.) 3
Historic house museums 3
Public libraries. 3
Schools -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 3
Alexandria City Hall (Alexandria, Va.) 2
Banks. 2
Baseball. 2
Friendship Firehouse (Alexandria, Va.) 2
George Washington Masonic National Memorial (Alexandria, VA) 2
Lee-Fendall House Museum & Garden (Alexandria, Va.) 2
Mount Vernon (Va. : Estate) 2
Old Presbyterian Meeting House (Alexandria, Va.) 2
Parades 2
Poetry. 2
Politicians -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
Politics and culture -- United States. 2
St. Mary's Academy (Alexandria, Virginia) 2
St. Mary's Church (Alexandria, Virginia) 2
Telegraphers. 2
The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop 2
Woodlawn Housekeeping Society 2
Alexandria (Va.) 1
Alexandria (Va.) -- History 1
Alexandria Free Methodist Church (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Antiques. 1
Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington, Va.) 1
Athenaeum (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Bales, Richard 1
Basilica of St. Mary (Alexandria, Virginia) 1
Blueprints. 1
Buildings -- Virginia -- Alexandria 1
Campagna Center (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Carlin, Charles Creighton, 1866-1938 1
Christ Church (Alexandria, Va) 1
Deeds. 1
Documents, Legal 1
Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969 -- Correspondence. 1
Fairfax County (Va.) -- History. 1
Ferries -- United States. 1
Fire engines. 1
Fire extinction -- Equipment and supplies. 1
Fire trucks 1
Food -- History. 1
Forfeiture 1
Gadsby's Tavern Museum 1
George Washington Masonic National Memorial (Alexandria, Va.) 1
George Washington Townhouse (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Gloucester County (Va.) -- Genealogy. 1
Golf. 1
Groverton Elementary School (Fairfax County, Va.) 1
Gum Springs (Va.) 1
Hospitals 1
Houses -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 1
Jehovah's Witnesses -- United States -- Maryland. 1
Jehovah's Witnesses -- United States -- Virginia. 1
Jones Point Lighthouse (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Jones, Bobby, 1902-1971 1
Labor unions -- United States. 1
Laird, Melvin R. 1
Lawyers. 1
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870. 1
Lloyd House 1
Loudoun (county) 1
Lyceum (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Obituaries. 1
Old Town (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Old Town Civic Association (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Opera -- 19th century. 1
Order of Railroad Telegraphers (U.S.) 1
Oronoco Bay Park (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Oxon Hill (Md.) 1
∧ less
English 2671
French 2
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
Mary Louisa Slacum Benham, 1802-1884 22
Cazenove Family 9
Bayes, William J. (William Jaqua), 1959-2021 6
Cazenove, Anthony Charles, 1775-1852 6
Conlyn, Helen P. (Helen Pearson Chapman), 1876-1951 6
∨ more
O'Sullivan, Daniel, 1828-1904 6
Bennett, Virginia Lee Sangster, 1830-1909 5
Chapman Family 5
Carne, Richard L., 1797-1867 4
Partlow, Wayne 4
Sangster, Mary Edward (Puss), 1841-1908 4
Shakes, John, 1775-1860 4
Shakes, Sarah (LaTruite), 1786-1845 4
Southerland, Helen Mary (Chapman) 4
Bennett, William Wallace, 1821-1887 3
Coffey, Grahame C. (Crichton), 1922-2018 3
Conlyn, William J. (William James), 1869-1950 3
Hopkins, Frank Snowden, 1908-1994 3
Sangster, Edward Ford, 1802-1882 3
Sangster, John Hancock Lee (Jack) 3
Smoot, William Albert, 1840-1917 3
Southerland, Arthur L. (Arthur Leigh), 1872-1950 3
Tisara , Nina 3
Washington, George, 1732-1799 3
Wilkinson, Francis H. (Frank), 1864-1935 3
Alexandria Library Company 2
Boush, Nathaniel, 1809-1873 2
Boush, Samuel Coleman, 1842-1918 2
Cazenove, Harriot E., 1823-1896 2
Chapman, Cecilia W., 1878-1899 2
Ford, Sarah "Sallie" 2
Hopkins, Selina Lloyd Hepburn, 1878-1970 2
Kenny, Helen M., 1912-2008 2
Lee, Daniel McCarty, 1837-1862 2
McGroarty, William Buckner 2
O'Sullivan, T. J. (Timothy Joseph), 1855-1887 2
Sangster, James, Judge, 1832-1906 2
Sangster, Mary Kendall Lee, 1801-1865 2
Sangster, Thomas Randolph, 1835-1861 2
Shakes, Amanda, 1805-1861 2
Shidler, Evelyn E. 2
Swann, Helen Mary (Chapman), 1817-1895 2
Swann, Thomas William, 1818-1895 2
Sykes, Virginia L. (Virginia Louise Levy), 1918-2016 2
United States. Army 2
Zint, Elanora Peake, 1907-1957 2
Adam, William Robert 1
Alexandria Library (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Atlantic Research Corporation 1
Bah, Char McCargo 1
Baker, Nina Hopkins, 1900-1999 1
Barclay, Winnette (Jennings), 1912-1984 1
Bennett, Mary Lee, 1862-1943 1
Berkhouse, Marjorie A. 1
Blair, Joan C. 1
Bodine, Mary Beth 1
Borchardt, Susan A. 1
Boush, Jane Chatham, 1818-1903 1
Bradford, James C. (1945-) 1
Carlin, C. C. (Charles Creighton), 1866-1938 1
Carne, Cecilia Catherine Latruite (Shakes), 1804-1891 1
Carne, Mary Magdalen, 1835-1918 1
Cazenove, Louis A., 1851-1925 1
Chandler, Lucius Henry, 1812-1876 1
Chapman, Andrew Grant, 1839-1892 1
Chapman, Susan Pearson (Alexander), 1801-1872 1
Claypool, Julia B. 1
Close, James J. 1
Colasanto, Nicholas A. (Nicholas Anthony), 1904-1983 1
Cox, Ethelyn, 1908-1988 1
Dixon, Fanny (Chatham), 1826-1899 1
Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969 1
Duncan, James M., Jr. (James Morton), 1897-1967 1
Duncan, Ruth Birch (Deahl), 1899-1985 1
Fauber, J. Everette, Jr. 1
Ficklin, Cecelia M., 1876-1951 1
Ficklin, M. J. Kroes, 1872-1962 1
Ficklin, Theodore H., 1846-1919 1
Ford, Jerome S., 1917-1997 1
Freemasons. Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22 (Alexandria, Va.) 1
Gallery West 1
Goergens, Evelyn P., 1907-1994 1
Hammer, Rebecca Powell Hopkins, 1913-1996 1
Harper, Jarvis M., Col. (Jarvis Maynard), 1907-1997 1
Hasner, Pat 1
Hopkins, Sewell Hepburn, 1906-1984 1
Jeffers, Irene 1
Jefferson, Marion 1
Justice, Leola E. (Leola Elmore Chapman), 1884-1974 1
Keith, Jan (Race), 1922-2018 1
Kester, Vaughan, 1869-1911 1
Kirby, Mary Eleanor (Shakes), 1818-1863 1
Lawler, Dorothy (Schulz), 1904-1987 1
Lewis , John L. 1
Lewis, Lois 1
Lipscomb, Tura 1
MacKenzie, Maxwell, 1952- 1
Mattox Photography + Video 1
Mills, Thomas E., III (Thomas Edward), 1935- 1
Morse, Virginia (Garbison), 1913-2002 1
∧ less