Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 132
James E. Foley Railroad Collection (MS405)
James F. Carlin & Son Hardware Records (MS112)
The records of a mid-19th century Virginia hardware business including a set of ledgers and a small amount of correspondence relating to the business.
James S. Hallowell Collection (MS132)
The James S. Hallowell Collection consists of papers from the Alexandria Boarding School (1824 - ?) including: correspondence from parents to the school, minutes, and catalogs. Also in the collection are the regulations and catalogs of the Alexandria Female Seminary (1848-1860). Additionally there are class notes and exercises (of undetermined origin), a report card, and personal diary books from James S. Hallowell and Mary [S.] Hallowell.
John K. Pickens Papers (MS057)
The collection contains organizational records of the Alexandria Archaeological Commission as well as correspondence with the Smithsonian Institution prior to the 1975 formation of the Alexandria Archaeological Commission. Clippings, research notes and archaeology notes are included as well. Topics include: formation of the Alexandria Archaeology Commission, archaeological digs along King Street, research on the Henry Piercy family, and area merchants.
John Thomas Ricketts Papers (MS071)
John Toole Collection (MS067)
Joseph F. Rodgers Business Records (MS221)
The collection consists of bills and receipts relating to Joseph Rodgers' contracting and personal business dealings in Old Town Alexandria. Examples include letterhead receipts from Weadon Brothers Hardware, Paints, Oils Glass and Guns; George Ayers...Dealer in Wheels; Isaac Eichberg Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods; Smoot Lumber; Curtin and Butts Alexandria Iron Works, and many other local businesses. Also includes building permits.
Kabler House Histories Collection (MS082)
This collection contains the correspondence, reports, and research done by Dorothy Holcombe Kabler for Alexandria house histories. The research notes also contain copies of deeds, wills, marriage records, and ther legal material surrounding property ownership.
Kennedy-Barton Book Collection (MS277)
This collection is from the Kennedy-Barton family. James Kennedy (1753-1816) was a druggist based in Alexandria and in some sources he is listed as Doctor. He also was an owner of a bookstore by the name of “Kennedy and Sons”. His daughter Sarah Kennedy (1781-1834) married John Gird. She was the owner of many books in this collection, and many were gifts from her father James Kennedy. This collection also contains books owned by Benjamin Barton. See also “Vertical File Bio. Kennedy”.
Landmarks Society of Alexandria, Virginia Collection (MS079)
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Alexandria (Va.) -- History 16
- Letters. 15
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 12
- Alexandria (Va.) 10
- Business records 9
- Historic buildings -- Virginia -- Alexandria -- Conservation and restoration. 9
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Genealogy. 8
- Business -- Virginia -- Alexandria 8
- Virginia -- Genealogy. 8
- Photographs. 7
- Genealogy 6
- Historic districts -- Virginia -- Alexandria 6
- Fire departments -- Virginia -- Alexandria 5
- Fires -- Virginia -- Alexandria 5
- Houses -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 5
- Old Town (Alexandria, Va.) 5
- Public libraries. 5
- African Americans -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 4
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 4
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Businesses 4
- Alexandria (Va.). Library 4
- Architecture -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 4
- Buildings -- Virginia -- Alexandria 4
- Correspondence 4
- Schools -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 4
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Newspapers 3
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Social life and customs 3
- Alexandria Gazette 3
- Business Records 3
- Community development -- Alexandria -- Virginia 3
- Construction + architecture 3
- Gadsby's Tavern Museum 3
- Historic buildings. 3
- Jails -- Alexandria (Va.) 3
- Potomac Yard (Va.) 3
- Railroad trains. 3
- Women -- Societies and clubs. 3
- World War -- 1939-1945 3
- African American neighborhoods -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 2
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Associations, institutions, etc. 2
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Social life and customs -- 19th century. 2
- Buildings -- Specifications 2
- Business -- Alexandria (Va.) 2
- Charities -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
- Church records and registers. -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
- Churches 2
- Cities and towns -- Virginia -- Growth 2
- City councils. 2
- City planning -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
- Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 17th 2
- Deeds -- Virginia -- Alexandria. 2
- Diaries. 2
- Fairfax County (Va.) -- History. 2
- Families -- Alexandria (Va.) 2
- Farquhar family. 2
- Historic Alexandria Foundation 2
- Historic districts -- Conservation and restoration -- United States. 2
- Jails -- United States. 2
- Journalists. 2
- Lyceum (Alexandria, Va.) 2
- Men -- Societies and clubs. 2
- Military life -- 1860-1870 2
- Mount Vernon (Va. : Estate) 2
- Newspaper publishing -- Alexandria (Va.) 2
- Politicians -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
- Politics and culture -- United States. 2
- Prisoners -- Alexandria (Va.) 2
- Public schools 2
- Railroads -- Virginia 2
- Railroads -- Virginia -- History 2
- Richmond and Danville Railroad Company 2
- Scrapbooks. 2
- Southern Railway (U.S.) 2
- Tidal Basin (Washington, D.C.) 2
- Urban development -- Virginia -- Alexandria 2
- Urban renewal. 2
- Virginia -- History -- Alexandria 2
- Virginia -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. 2
- Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs 2
- Virginia Midland Railway Company. 2
- Women's Clubs -- Virginia 2
- Accounting. 1
- Adam, William Robert 1
- Administration of estates. 1
- Alexander family 1
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Economic conditions 1
- Alexandria (Va.) -- Social life and customs -- 1860-1870. 1
- Alexandria (Va.). Mayor 1
- Alexandria Academy 1
- Alexandria Archaeology 1
- Alexandria Light Infantry 1
- Alleys -- Virginia -- Alexandria 1
- American Defense Society. 1
- American Legion. Auxiliary 1
- Americanization. 1
- Amtrak. 1
- Animals -- Treatment. 1
- Anti-communist movements -- United States. 1
- Antiques. 1
- Antisemitism -- United States. 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Alexandria Library (Alexandria, Va.) 5
- Alexandria Library Association (1897-1937) 4
- Alexandria Library Company 4
- Alexandria Library Society (1937-1953) 4
- Cummings, Helen Norris, 1865-1949 3
- Green, Esther Holiday, 1889-1981 3
- Alexandria (Va.). City Council 2
- Alexandria (Va.). Office of City Engineer 2
- Burke, Ellen Coolidge 2
- Carne, William F., 1832-1909 2
- Cazenove, William Gardner, 1819-1877 2
- Cox, Ethelyn, 1908-1988 2
- Kabler, Dorothy, 1918-2017 2
- Lee Family 2
- Lee, Cassius F., 1808-1890 2
- McKenney, Ashton N. (Mike), 1921-2005 2
- O'Sullivan, T. J. (Timothy Joseph), 1855-1887 2
- The Alexandria Gazette 2
- Adam, William R. (William Robert), 1918-1992 1
- Alexander, Gustavus B. (Gustavus Brown), 1793-1860 1
- Alexandria (Va.) (1749-) 1
- Alexandria (Va.). City Clerk 1
- Alexandria (Va.). Department of Housing and Community Development 1
- Alexandria (Va.). Department of Planning and Urban Renewal 1
- Alexandria (Va.). Office of City Auditor 1
- Alexandria Antique Arts Association 1
- Alexandria Canal Company 1
- Alexandria Hospital (Va.) 1
- Alexandria Library (Alexandria, Va.). Board 1
- Alexandria Sheriff's Department 1
- Alexandria Water Company 1
- American Canal Society 1
- Andrews family 1
- Asher, George Gordon, 1872-1915 1
- Bah, Char McCargo 1
- Ballinger Family 1
- Barrett, Kate Waller, Dr., 1858-1925 1
- Barton, Benjamin, 1803-1877 1
- Baylor Family 1
- Beatley, Charles E., Jr., 1916-2003 1
- Bennett, Willis W. (Willis Wirt), 1937-2010 1
- Bernard Family 1
- Beverly Hills Women's Club 1
- Bonner, A. G. 1
- Boothe Family 1
- Boothe, Armistead L. (Armistead Lloyd), 1907-1990 1
- Boothe, Eleanor Harrison Carr, 1881-1968 1
- Boothe, Elizabeth "Betty" Ravenel Peele, b. 1912 1
- Boothe, Gardner L. (Gardner Lloyd), 1872-1964 1
- Boothe, Mary Grace Stabler-Leadbeater, 1839-1914 1
- Boothe, William J. (William Jeremiah), 1816-1894 1
- Boush, Mollie May 1
- Boush, Nathaniel, 1809-1873 1
- Boush, Samuel Coleman, 1842-1918 1
- Bowles Family 1
- Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (U.S.) 1
- Bryant, J. C. Herbert ((John Carlyle Herbert)), 1909-1983 1
- Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850 1
- Carne, Cecilia Catherine Latruite (Shakes), 1804-1891 1
- Carne, Richard L., 1797-1867 1
- Carr Family 1
- Carr, Francis "Fanny" Smith Harrison 1
- Carr, Joseph Armistead, 1867-1901 1
- Cazenove & Co. (1798-1861) 1
- Cazenove Family 1
- Cazenove, Anne H., 1776-1843 1
- Cazenove, Anthony Charles, 1775-1852 1
- Cazenove, Antony, 1849-1897 1
- Cazenove, Eliza Frances, 1798-1857 1
- Cazenove, James O'Hara, 1880-1971 1
- Cazenove, Louis A. (Louis Albert), 1807-1852 1
- Cazenove, Louis A., 1851-1925 1
- Cazenove, Mary Elizabeth Stanard, 1822-1892 1
- Chandler, Lucius Henry, 1812-1876 1
- Chapman Family 1
- Churchill, Winston (Winston Leonard Spencer), 1874-1965 1
- Citizens Against the Stadium (1992) 1
- Civitan International 1
- Close, James J. 1
- Colasanto, Nicholas A. (Nicholas Anthony), 1904-1983 1
- Conlyn, Helen P. (Helen Pearson Chapman), 1876-1951 1
- Corse, Elizabeth (Beverley), 1823-1894 1
- Corse, Montgomery Dent, 1816-1895 1
- Cox, Gilbert J., Jr. (Gilbert Jefferson) 1
- Cummings, Norris Stanley, 1834-1904 1
- Curtin, Bertha A. 1
- Custis family 1
- Daingerfield, Edward L. (Edward Lonsdale), 1847-1925 1
- Davidson, Florence English, 1882-1942 1
- Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889 1
- DeVaughn, James H. , 1816-1899 1
- DeVaughn, Mary 1
- Dickman, William J. (October 13, 1900-October 28, 1987) 1
- Doré, Gustave (Paul Gustave Louis Christophe), 1832-1883 1
- Duncan, James M., Jr. (James Morton), 1897-1967 1
- Farquhar Family 1
- Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William), 1831-1903 1
- Fendall, Phillip 1
- Fendall, Phillip R. 1
- Ficklin, Cecelia M., 1876-1951 1 ∧ less